Consultant, trainer, presenter, evaluator on issues in criminal justice, forensic health issues and reform initiatives.

Dr. Cathryn Lavery’s research interests range from campus crime, officer wellness, community-based corrections, mental health and criminal behavior in the criminal justice system. Her current research projects include collaborative research on issues in security threat assessment, police and stress and juvenile transitional re-entry programming from jails. She is certified in Forensic Mental Health Training, Sexual Victimization Counseling and has received certification from The Clery Center on Title IX, Security Issues, and Responses. She is also a certified Mediator (NYS ABA). She is a co-partner with Integrated Justice Solutions, LLC.

Integrative Justice Solutions (IJS) is a Consulting firm focusing on strategic planning, risk assessments, evaluations and training on many issues within the public, private and nonprofit agencies. The main partners are experts in data analysis, evaluation research and are all exceptional presenters and trainers whose backgrounds range from criminal justice professionals, policy practitioners and mental health counseling.

Dr. Lavery has been invited to speak at agencies including: The American Probation and Parole Association, The IACP, The New York State Police Juvenile Officers Association, The Michigan Medical Society, the National Conference on Sexual Assault in Schools, The New York City Parks Commission, the Biennial International Criminal Justice Conference on Global Perspectives of Justice, Security and Human Rights, and the American Association of Behavioral Sciences.

Dr. Lavery is active in several national and regional organizations including: The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (memberships in Women & Minorities Section, Corrections & the Victimology Sections); American Society of Criminology, Criminal Justice Educators Association of NYS, The American Probation and Parole Association, Board Member Affiliate for the International Association of Forensic Criminologists, the International Association for Correctional & Forensic Psychology, and the New York Women in Law Enforcement.

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